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Архив за 01 Ноя 2012

Don’t Pass Me By

Don't Pass Me By - The Beatles
Don't Pass Me By - Ringo Starr
Don't Pass Me By - The Georgia Satellites

             Don't Pass Me By

            Richard Starkey
              The Beatles

I listen for your footsteps coming up the drive
Listen for your footsteps but they don't arrive
Waiting for your knock, dear, on my old front door
I don't hear it, does it mean you don't love me anymore?

I hear the clock a ticking on the mantel shelf
See the hands a moving but I'm by myself
I wonder where you are tonight and why I'm by myself
I don't see you, does it mean you don't love me anymore?

Don't pass me by, don't make me cry, don't make me blue
'Cause you know darling I love only you
You never know it hurt me so, how I hate to see you go
Don't pass my by, don't make me cry

I'm sorry that I doubted you, I was so unfair
You were in a car crash and you lost your hair
You said that you would be late about an hour or two
I said that's all right, I'm waiting here,
Just waiting to hear from you

Don't pass me by, don't make me cry, don't make me blue
'Cause you know darling I love only you
You'll never know it hurt me so, how I hate to see you go
Don't pass my by, don't make me cry

One two three four five six seven eight

Don't pass me by, don't make me cry, don't make me blue
'Cause you know darling I love only you
You never know it hurt me so, how I hate to see you go
Don't pass my by, don't make me cry

14-ый (6В) трек из альбома "The Beatles" (1968).

Текст песни взят из открытых источников.
Текст песни принадлежит их авторам.

Другие песни The Beatles

Разговор в поезде

    Разговор в поезде

       Андрей Макаревич
       "Машина времени"

Вагонные споры - последнее дело,
Когда больше нечего пить.
Но поезд идет, бутыль опустела,
   Am         Dm
И тянет поговорить.

И двое сошлись не на страх, а на совесть -
Колеса прогнали сон.
Один говорил - наша жизнь - это поезд.
Другой говорил - перрон.

Один утверждал - на пути нашем чисто,
Другой возражал - не до жиру.
Один говорил, мол, мы - машинисты,
Другой говорил - пассажиры.

Один говорил: нам свобода - награда,
Мы поезд куда надо ведем.
Второй говорил: задаваться не надо,
Как сядем в него, так и сойдем.

А первый кричал: нам открыта дорога
На много, на много лет.
Второй отвечал, что не так уж и много -
Все дело в цене на билет.

А первый кричал: куда хотим, туда едем,
И можем, если надо, свернуть 
Второй отвечал, что поезд проедет
Лишь там, где проложен путь.

И оба сошли где-то под Таганрогом,
Среди бескрайних полей,
И каждый пошел своей дорогой,
А поезд пошел своей.

Аккорды и текст песни взяты из открытых источников.
Аккорды и текст песни принадлежат их авторам.

Другие песни "Машины времени"

Don’t Bother Me

Don't Bother Me - The Beatles
Don't Bother Me - Luis Alberto Spinetta

                    Don't Bother Me

                George Harrison 
                  The Beatles

Since she's been gone I want no one to talk to me.
It's not the same but I'm to blame, it's plain to see.

So go away, leave me alone, don't bother me.

I can't believe that she would leave me on my own.
It's just not right when every night I'm all alone.

I've got no time for you right now, don't bother me.

I know I'll never be the same if I don't get her back again.
Because I know she'll always be the only girl for me.

But 'till she's here please don't come near, just stay away.
I'll let you know when she's come home. Until that day,

Don't come around, leave me alone, don't bother me.

I've got no time for you right now, don't bother me.

I know I'll never be the same if I don't get her back again.
Because I know she'll always be the only girl for me.

But 'till she's here please don't come near, just stay away.
I'll let you know when she's come home. Until that day,

Don't come around, leave me alone, don't bother me.
Don't bother me.
Don't bother me.
Don't bother me.
Don't bother me.

4-ый трек из альбома "With The Beatles" (1963).

Текст песни взят из открытых источников.
Текст песни принадлежит их авторам.

Другие песни The Beatles